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John Gates -- Pastor

Bro John has served as Pastor at MVBC since August 1999. He is married to Julie. They have 5 children and 8 grandchildren. He has served churches in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida over his years of full-time ministry. His education includes a B.A., M.A.T.S., and he is currently pursuing a D.Min. at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

His interests include sports, reading, and music.
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Steve Britt -- Music and Senior Adults

Steve Britt has served Mount Vernon Baptist Church since June 2003. He previously served churches in Georgia, Florida, Arkansas and Alabama. Steve is married to Shirley, who serves in the music ministry with him. They have 2 sons Michael and David. Their wives are Lori and Christa.

Hobbies are: Hunting and fishing

College: Valdosta State College

Seminary: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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Josh Mayes - Minister of Students

Josh has served as Student Minister since August 2018. He is married to Misty and they have two daughters, Kendall and Lexi. He has served churches in Georgia and Alabama during his 10 years of full-time student ministry.